Monday, November 14, 2011

(click on this link to enjoy the video and music)

So now you know that the book is about the place Newgrange in Ireland, Hu,  His angels, Heartha, the spirit of the earth who is the Void incarnate, Kaboom ,the energy of the big bang personified, and all their offspring. 
As I stated before , Hu, Kaboom , and Heartha  were all friends. Kaboom only became the antagonist because he , like a new child , wants to be "like God", in form, and wants Heartha to love him. He is a volatile energy, the energy that scattered all of the mix of creation and animates all of substance. He is very powerful, and in granting his request, Hu and Heartha allow him to "mold the clay " and make some forms. Remember t-rex? T-rex is a nice example of what the energy of the most destructive power in the universe and dirt mixed together becomes. I used to wonder about dinosaurs , "what was God thinking???" So in my story, this is what KB's forms look like. This is actually distressing to KB, he really wants to make a form pleasing to Heartha, he wants her to "mate " with him, like she does with Hu, the Creator. It is a predicament for sure, for all three of them.
Eventually, Hu creates a form that KB can inhabit. It has to have circuitry that can withstand KB's powerful presence and  sustain  his consciousness. He is allowed to live on earth, with his friends, Hu and Heartha, and be in form with them. They are all in this together! He is given the form of a very tall, scaley bird serpent, and he establishes the first civilization that we know about , eventually named, Sumaria , and becomes their "King". His form is different from humans, it has to be- to hold his intelligence and persona- and his form was created especially for him, to dwell on earth. He dwells for thousands of years- Hu made him a very durable lasting form! 
KB experiments with genetics, hopes to come up with a form that Heartha will inhabit. He mixes his own bird serpent dna with many other beings, and he mixes different earth beings dna and comes up with quite a number of what we call, "mythological" creatures. Heartha does not like these tamperings, and she tries to get KB to understand why and her feelings for Hu.  She tells him over and over, that she is exclusively Hu's, and is very compassionate with him, and all his "offspring", they are also made of her substance...but to no avail. Like a child who will not quit until it gets its way, KB becomes fixated on his goal. The more she describes to KB her love for Hu, the more KB wants her to have those feelings for him- he does after all, want to be "like" his friend ...
Hu the magnificent Creator, giver of life and soul, husband and lover to the Divine Feminine.

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