Friday, March 16, 2012


Anu began to think of her grandmother, Nuala,  her twinkling eyes and gentle sweet manner. Nuala was always there for her, for the whole tribe, generous with her time, knowledge, and her love . Nuala  told the stories around the fires of first peoples,  Hu and Heartha, Hu’s angels and Heartha’s animals, so many wonderful stories. Story time was something the children especially looked forward to. Anu closed her eyes , and remembered . She could always envision in her head clearly the way Nuala described …she began thinking of the story of the creation of Raziel, their mentor and teacher.
So said Nuala:

                  “Her name is Heartha, because she came from the heart of the Creator, and He laughed with delight as she formed. Heart-Ha! She slept, and He moved across Her dreaming body, His consciousness bringing forth His thought into Being. 

Shapes materialize from the mist forming over the water…creating an expression of His divinity, and His love for His sleeping Heartha.
Swirling whisps of white mist give way to wings unfolding...the first of His creations on earth, a Being of mist and light. Beautiful."

                      The mind of Hu danced around the Being now waking…lifting his wings, and looking toward his Creator…loving Him with all of his essence,
 the mind of God, now taken form.
      “You are the first, you are  Mystic. You are the most beautiful one, formed from the dreams of my sleeping Beloved, taken from the ethers of my sacred heart…you are divine, as I AM . From the deep you have come, to Her you will return. You are She and I, you are the keeper of this Mystery.”
The wings unfolded, the form took flight. Moving silently across the water, gliding magnificently up into the air… away from the darkness toward his Creator, the angel Raziel was born.
                                         And so it was.


As she lay sleeping he rocked her gently, His spirit wrapping around her like a warm blanket. He molded her being , breathing His breath , the breath of life, into her, giving her Soul.
                      “Come, my love, it is time for us to create together”
                      “Yessssssss…..” he heard a soft reply, knowing this world He molded for them would be Her delight, Their delight! He felt happy, eager to please Her, and anxiously waited for Her to awaken.
She became a living being , Her body, living rock, with His central fire at Her core.

Hello Earth. Kate Bush
(click here for link)



  1. Hello. This is Megan Reese. I read your first few chapters when you were substituting for Ms. Baccala. I came to check out your blog, and I love it! I haven't received a Facebook message from you unfortunately. :( My URL is:
    So, you can message me there, I would be more than ecstatic to read more of your book in progress. Thanks for your time, and nice meeting you!
    (Just a side-note: On my profile picture I look quite different. I was dressed up for work. I work at a haunted house. :P)

  2. Megan!Thanks for reading! Much love to you!
