Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Are you ready for me?


                                                                  Beautiful Enya, enjoy!
                                                                   (Click here for link)


I am the void, the black mystery.
I am the cradle, the womb where all life begins.
I am the keeper of the egg, the possibility of creation.
The hope of continuum, of  a time less remembered…
a time before history as you know it
when we are already
Where the strands of form are designed by my thoughts
where God will be birthed, for my pleasure.
where I call forth from my being,
a seed.
an other.
The star, that bursts into beauty light 
and  bring  forth 
a bright idea!
force and magnetism to create matter
I am from what all things will become.
I am the beginning.
You have named me, "Super Nova", "The big bang"
For your understanding I am simply, a thought of joy.
From my exuberance, and warmth
your sun was formed to glow and remind you
Of my fire, my passion,
I am bright and terrible.
Mmm... Other he says to me... Mother is now my name you have given me.

My sun is the first of all living things. Light.
All others revolve around Him...
He is the first, the last, the truth. There is no life for you without Him.
The essence of His being you can not understand, His life form you do not know, but you can not live or exist without Him, or without my matter that has given you and all things, form.
You align your sacred places with Him.

I am the creative life force that animates your body.
You call me,

I Am…

Newgrange, birthplace of ancient mysteries
soon to be published


I am loving you , Always. Yes you..
(click on link to enjoy beautiful song)

Monday, November 14, 2011

(click on this link to enjoy the video and music)

So now you know that the book is about the place Newgrange in Ireland, Hu,  His angels, Heartha, the spirit of the earth who is the Void incarnate, Kaboom ,the energy of the big bang personified, and all their offspring. 
As I stated before , Hu, Kaboom , and Heartha  were all friends. Kaboom only became the antagonist because he , like a new child , wants to be "like God", in form, and wants Heartha to love him. He is a volatile energy, the energy that scattered all of the mix of creation and animates all of substance. He is very powerful, and in granting his request, Hu and Heartha allow him to "mold the clay " and make some forms. Remember t-rex? T-rex is a nice example of what the energy of the most destructive power in the universe and dirt mixed together becomes. I used to wonder about dinosaurs , "what was God thinking???" So in my story, this is what KB's forms look like. This is actually distressing to KB, he really wants to make a form pleasing to Heartha, he wants her to "mate " with him, like she does with Hu, the Creator. It is a predicament for sure, for all three of them.
Eventually, Hu creates a form that KB can inhabit. It has to have circuitry that can withstand KB's powerful presence and  sustain  his consciousness. He is allowed to live on earth, with his friends, Hu and Heartha, and be in form with them. They are all in this together! He is given the form of a very tall, scaley bird serpent, and he establishes the first civilization that we know about , eventually named, Sumaria , and becomes their "King". His form is different from humans, it has to be- to hold his intelligence and persona- and his form was created especially for him, to dwell on earth. He dwells for thousands of years- Hu made him a very durable lasting form! 
KB experiments with genetics, ...in hopes to come up with a form that Heartha will inhabit. He mixes his own bird serpent dna with many other beings, and he mixes different earth beings dna and comes up with quite a number of what we call, "mythological" creatures. Heartha does not like these tamperings, and she tries to get KB to understand why and her feelings for Hu.  She tells him over and over, that she is exclusively Hu's, and is very compassionate with him, and all his "offspring", they are also made of her substance...but to no avail. Like a child who will not quit until it gets its way, KB becomes fixated on his goal. The more she describes to KB her love for Hu, the more KB wants her to have those feelings for him- he does after all, want to be "like" his friend ...
Hu the magnificent Creator, giver of life and soul, husband and lover to the Divine Feminine.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Five Angels

(click here to enjoy the song)

Thank you Note 13 studios for the gift of this song, inspired by the angels of my fictional book, Newgrange, birthplace of ancient mysteries.
And who are the five angels in my book ? They are  Raziel, Uriel, Michael, Raphael, and  Gabriel. 
These are the Five mentor angels to the characters.

              Raziel is the first of the created angels in my fictional book. He is different from other angels. He is able to function better in the earth realms because he is made from the mists of the water and the fire of God's heart.  He is the "Keeper of God's secrets". He writes down everything Hu creates into a book- recording  all that has been created , and how to create it. He is with Adam, in the Garden. As Adam names everything,  the angel Raziel records it into the book. KB is very interested in Raziel's book. With it he can make forms to please Heartha so, he has his minions steal it! This creates quite a scandal! After it is rescued and restored to Raziel, the book is given to Noah for a while, containing the instructions of how to build the ark. Raziel becomes the mentor to Alchemists, Mystics, "Merlin" types. Those who want to , "turn water into wine"? -Just ask Raziel...he'll look it up for you...

              Uriel is one of the main characters in the book, he is with the first people the longest. He didn't have a natural sense of compassion for humans, so Hu assigns him to become human, for a while. He becomes their tribal leader, and teaches them to build Newgrange, as well as learns why love is so important, and what human love is all about. He ultimately goes back to his position in the ethers, never to incarnate into human form again, and is assigned , among other duties, to  be in charge of  the "Recycle bin of Souls" as I call it, or , the "Other world", Annwyn's Realm. This is the place souls go to wait to be reborn. It is also where nature spirits retreat as their earthly "bodies" sleep in cyclic seasons. Uriel knows first hand what it is to be born into a human body. With his experience and new found compassion , he better understands the dynamics of  human life cycles, what the souls are going through, and is able to help guide their next incarnation. He sometimes resignates a golden yellow.

              Michael is the protector, and the angel who teaches the children how to fight.  KB's offspring and minions are violent with Hu and Heartha's children. At Heartha's beckoning and Hu's unhappiness with KB's corruption, Hu devises a plan to save the children . He designates Michael to protect and teach the children how to defend themselves. KB is also in a process of evolving, so destruction of the earth and all forms is NOT the most desired outcome.. the flood becomes a temporary means to rid Heartha of the corruptive forms that are destructive and displeasing to Hu. The energy of KB ; however, can not be destroyed, and Hu knows KB will come back, more determined than ever to win Heartha's affections. With Michael, Uriel, and His angels assigned to their duties and helping, the children will be ready. Michael usually resonates in a cobalt blue color.

               Raphael is the healer angel. He is the mentor to the Miach, or "medic" in an ancient Irish language. He teaches that their bodies will heal from within. The Miach simply has a vast knowledge of  healing plants , and skills that will aid in the healing processes. During "the scandal" in Eden, Adam is allowed into Dreamtime, with  the  help of  Heartha's snake Al, and discovers the truth of who and what  he is. Adam becomes the first shamanic Miach , the grandfather to a new shamanic line of men. They will continue through Bith, Noah's son, who was"not allowed on the ark" but was chosen to survive the flood by escaping on another vessel. The Shaman has access into other realms and dimensions, and with Raphael's guidance and instruction, is able to aid the spirit when it becomes, afflicted. Raphael's color is known to be green. 

                 Gabriel  is the messenger angel that visited the family of Jesus in the Bible. There is some debate as to whether Gabriel takes on a feminine or masculine form when appearing to humans. In my  fictional story, Gabriel teaches the cave dwellers how to make a horn, that they will use when in battle , and introduces musical instruments for their entertainment  and enjoyment while in the caves. Gabriel also brings them a meteor, that has the capability of communication with the Divine, and each other. Gabriel is bright pink in color, emanating the love of God.       

These angels I have discovered and learned about while writing this book. It seems that once I started with an angelic character in the theme, they all got in on it, started fluttering about, and I  began to learn  more about them. They are just too good in their purposes to ignore! In my fictional book, Hu creates and assigns them specifically to protect and aid all of the children of the earth, the children of Himself and Heartha, the spirit of the earth, who is the Void incarnate.

There is one more angel I have not yet addressed  As Hu assigned angels to specific duties to take care of the children ,this angel was assigned by Hu to , "take care of KB". This angel is not part of the Five who care for the earth and her children, this angel became specifically KB's angel. Hu assigned his biggest and brightest angel to "take care of KB". This angel once dwelt in the heavenly host with the others,  but when assigned to be in charge of KB, the largest volitile force of the universe as we know it, he became compassionate with KB's plight.  He listened to KB's desire to be in form  like Hu and Heartha. He thought he could take in KB's energy and control it for Hu. He allowed KB into his being so KB could experience angelic form. Big mistake- Lucifer became corrupted as well when over filled with chaotic KB energy. KB's goal became his own,  KB wants to be "like Hu", and KB wants Hu's mate, Heartha. And so the trouble begins...  


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tonight I give you the link to an original song that I wrote 20+ something years ago ! My daughter is singing it, and the lady I originally wrote the song for, is speaking the Sumerian chant, that translates :

                            "At this moment we become one with ancient customs"

The song is called "The Cave" because the characters go deep inside the earth and live in caves in the belly of Heartha. They are taken there to survive the great flood, and it is why (according to my fictional book! ) there is so much diversity among humans , when we all supposedly came only from  the uncorrupted seed of Noah. Actually, in the story, this remains congruent as the Irish have a legend, the myth of Bith, Noah's son who was "not allowed " onto the ark. Bith's daughter, Cessair,  supposedly landed on the island now called Ireland. My fictional story begins with her, and ends with her offspring, all daughters, all egg carriers of an enhanced race God designed to ensure human survival.

The  young girl singing is a character who has been living in the caves a very long time, and she is remembering what it was like to be up top... with a special friend, who is playing the eagle bone flute. Gabriel the angel, and mentor to the cave dwellers,  is playing the horn. The sound at the end is the large stone closing over the entrance of the cave.

Thanks to Note 13 studios for arranging and producing this song!
It will be on a complimentary CD of original songs in the back of the book that  I hope you will enjoy!
The Cave
(click here for song)

Friday, October 28, 2011

What of Megaliths, Angels, and Eggs?

                                                     Newgrange, county Meath, Ireland

So why Newgrange.
 Newgrange has an interesting encasing of white quartz that is not native to that area. It had to be brought in, up the river possibly, and added to the outside construction. This is curious. When sun hits white quartz, it is brilliant.
 My book is a combination of stories within stories...the first peoples, how they lived , loved, laughed, before the corruption KB brought to the world- poor KB. He and Hu set the planets into motion like buddies playing a game of pool- they were great friends. KB liked Hu so much, that he wanted to be "like" Him, like the Creator of all living things. KB can 't be like Hu, KB is a different energy, a powerful destructive force that Hu uses to give motion to substance. It begins a plight for KB. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery- but for Heartha, the spirit of the earth, imitation becomes disastrous- and life threatening. When her children are harmed by the tamperings of KB trying to make forms "like Hu " did, she draws the line- and Hu sets up His plan. His secret plan to save all of human kind, and His children with Heartha. He creates a new race, through a line of egg carriers, that enhance the peoples to ensure their survival. He assigns angels to all of creation, to care for and protect all life as it evolves, and he teaches man how to protect himself from the antics of KB. KB is loved, necessary, and needed, but KB is also a new energy, also in the process of evolving. Will KB destroy Heartha and all living things before he grows up and realizes who he is,  what love is all about, and why Hu wants to protect and save His creations?
Let us hope so.
All the special daughters , the egg carriers,  come from  the daughter of Cessair, Noah's grand daughter. They have Uriel's specially enhanced eggs in their "basket", or womb, when they are born.

The last daughter will be a character in America, who will travel back to Newgrange for the winter solstice. In Laura Croft, Indianna Jones adventure style she will meet with an angel who is sent to protect her. Through a long line of a definitive gene pool, she is able to play , "Star Song", the celestial music that in combination with the life giving sun will set off a vibration that will save Heartha, and all the children of the earth. When she plays "Star Song" inside Newgrange on the winter solstice at the precise time the sunbeam is illuminating the inside chamber,  harmony is created with light and sound that resonates at a very high frequency. This causes the quartz and entire structure to emit a huge amount of brilliant light. It lights up, and sends a beacon signal into the universe like a cosmic egg. The earth will move into  position as the milky way moves into the cosmic "tree of life", and it is as if the swirling energy emulates a ripe egg, in ovulation, ready for joining with an Other. Its a big moment in the grand scheme of things, a call for new life. A call for joining. And who, is she calling to?
 The beloved savior of the world, the only one who can save Heartha, a being both male and female, dark and light, human and divine, the most powerful diety in the universe.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Lets talk about the egg...

My daughter had an egg fetish as a child, she absolutely loved them. She thought they were the greatest! I couldn't understand the fascination, but hey, what ever makes your kid happy, right? She had a shelf with all her beloved eggs in her collection on it.
What exactly is, an egg? We know it is, according to Webster:
1. the roundish reproductive body produced by the female of certain animals, as birds and most reptiles, consisting of an ovum and its envelope of albumen, jelly, membranes, egg case or shell, according to species

and  we know that in humans, it carries a certain amount of genetic traits passed through the dna. Females are born with "all their eggs in one basket", meaning, they are given their eggs by their mothers and have them all when they are born, with encoded genetic material that has been passed down for generations. 

What is an egg? It is a legacy, a pre packaged packet of your ancestors information, waiting to join with an other, become a new combination of form, and walk the earth again.  It gets one chance. When this potential person does not make it, - it dies. Women grieve, are grumpy and angry as the nest tears down . The body expells it. Now that is something to cry about.
How precious that my daughter loves eggs so- they are in good keeping.


Biology 101
101= one on one

First , there is an egg. She is a world alone inside a vast dark universe.
Ah, the sperms have found the way to her...their quest, their only mission-
to conquer, join, assimilate...become one.
They demand entrance, trying to force their way in as they are equipped to do.
She laughs. Yeah right. Dream on squirt.
But one in particular, woos her just so-
entices her in just the right way...and she allows him in.
He does his job to the best of his ability, and he is good at it, the very best.
 Its why she chose him and not the others. He's a little stronger,  more robust,
 said the right words.
He  gives himself fully to her.
"Trust me babe." She does.
For love’s sake  she is torn apart, again and again,  changing  rapidly,
 transforming  moment by moment
into what ultimately will become a fully developed, fully realized
 human being
who forgets time before the joining,
 and  questions its very existence, "Who am I?" "Why am I here?"

Blame the sperm. He is after all self centered , focused only on his goal. He must be. It is his only purpose, what he is designed to do.
Or  the egg, for letting him in. Being  enticed. Listening to that squirmy squiggly serpent.

And so our story begins

In all of infinity, there is a point where you begin.
All things that are your reality, I AM.
I am your point of beginning.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Brief synopsis of all there is.

The setting of my book is pre Christian Europe from the "big bang" or the moment of origin of our universe, up until right after the flood , and everything leads up to the construction and purpose of  Newgrange. The characters are at the beginning of time as we know it, and become , everything that is. Energy as we understand it is simply different combinations of currents; however, in my book the energy of the big bang takes on a personna and has a name because it is part of the Great Living Mystery who implodes and scatters all the matter in our known universe in a single thought of joy. That energy I have named Kaboom, KB for short. KB is the greatest  and most volatile energy in the universe. It is the energy that animates all living things  and only Hu the Alchemist, knows how to combine matter and KB currents to create the animated  forms  of all that is. A small amount of KB in a form will enable it to walk, run, fly- but large amounts of KB energy make whirlwinds, tidal waves, volcanos...explosions. All of this is very necessary energy, important and needed for life to happen...but very dangerous in large unfettered amounts. KB is not the Creator, KB is simply the force that animates all of creation. God, named Hu in the book, breaths the breath of life into all substance, giving it soul.. KB is a separate entity from Hu the Creator, and both come from the one source of all that is- the Void. Her. Since we are nearing Halloween I will use this analogy to explain my perception - She is the cauldron that the universe bubbles in, and as the brew rises from the heat and activity inside as if to flow over, she becomes larger to contain it all. She , like a lot of us mirror in life, expands as everything grows. LOL!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Fairy Mound

What is utterly fascinating to me is how Newgrange was discovered...the story as how I heard it is this:
In Ireland the people knew that the mounds were good places to find rocks to build their walls. The Irish love rock walls. My grandmother built quite a few of them herself in her day. She was very precise... each stone "fit" into the next. My granny was cool.  One day, a farmer was digging up some rocks. Some sources say it was a group of "servants" digging for some one who ordered rocks... but the way I heard it, a farmer.  He opened the dirt, and instead of a pile of rocks, he found a chamber. He called the archeological society and they excavated.  The above picture is what they uncovered when looking for "the door" As you can see, the "roof box" or window was not yet discovered. This is the front door of what we now know is the oldest known megalith on our planet.
There are a few documentations of its discovery and excavation on Wikipedia and other sites you can
Google if interested- I just stick with the story I was told. I think it is, close to the truth. For the purposes of my book, their dicovery is not what matters...my fictional book is about the construction and purposes of building Newgrange in the first place. My book is all about, firsts...
This is my very favorite picture of Newgrange...still uncovered, unexcavated, untouched...mysterious and beautiful in every way...can you imagine how excited to find such a beautifully carved stone ...when digging in the dirt??

Begin Again...

In recalling my visit to Newgrange, in Ireland, I still vividly remember what it felt like to be inside this wonder. It was  the void- void of noise, void of activity, completely still,  and the feeling that if you were not standing  in there, it would sit empty and silent for millennium. There is air to breath , but it is not the living air of the sun and grass just outside the door...it is a dark air , void of life. It is , the emptiness of forever in there. That is what makes the winter solstice so very special...a beam of  life giving sun  makes it way down the long dark passageway, to give light , illumination,- to the empty waiting chamber inside. There has been some question as to if it was a burial chamber, there were remains, bones, found in there, at one time. No one knows. My gut feeling about the place is...well, you will find out when you read the book!. The full name of the book gives you a clue, "Newgrange , birthplace of ancient mysteries".  In the book, birth and death will happen simultaneously. A character will be inside, giving birth at the same moment a tribal leader dies in there. What is inside the chamber at that moment  is hope for the next generation, actually , hope for the entire human race.  There is a placenta looking basin , that I speculate could be where a newborn could be swaddled. Three chambers, birth, death, and new life. And as I further contemplate myself being inside this womb tomb chamber, I consider its possible messages to all "religions" that followed after these early ancestors...the one thing that is certain in Islam, Christian, Judaism, Pagan, Native religions, - all peoples who simply seek a connection with the divine...it is all about the egg. Everything is born of woman, the female, the egg is the beggining of life. Even God respectfully was birthed through Mary. That is nice- to know that even divinity partakes in the laws of nature here on earth. I further wonder- the egg chooses " who" it allows in. It waits, for "the One" . I was not "the One" when I innocently visited Newgrange...I was not , chosen  to be allowed inside. Is it disrepectful of me to enter that place, hidden for hundreds of years? Possibly. Possibly every person who ventures in is forcing their presence into a space that was obviously designed only for one encounter, one moment a year, only for the Light. Sigh. So it is with the most respect and reverence that I write this book, I make up and guess who I think these people were, who I think God is, and the Spirit of the earth...but I do it with all the love in my heart how it was revealed to me. Enjoy the story...it is for all us tresspassers who trod upon the truly sacred.

Friday, October 14, 2011

All things myterious...

The way this book began to reveal itself to me, was simply, brought about by love. Reconnecting with a childhood friend opened my heart in dynamic proportions...to the extent that I do believe I connected with the heavenly host! Strange happenings began, which in my life is common every day occurrence, but these happenings which I will go into further detail later, seemed theme focused. It was as if everything I have experienced in my life was all accumulating knowledge and leading up to  this moment, a purposeful unfolding...to be expressed through writing. I have never considered myself a writer, I am a musician, and a teacher. There have been many an occasion that I bluffed through my high school and college papers with profound wordage such that I think my professors couldn't decide if I was a genius , or a fruitcake...maybe both...and I pulled astonishing "A"s to their and my own amazement...
Its a gift. I am, a gifted story teller. This much I am sure of- but it was the connection with "the Bear" that began an odyssey of literary encapsulations- short stories.  Most of the stories I come up with, I have no idea were they come from, and can't fathom that I am actually clever enough to have thought it up - so I credit divine sources, sort of "feeding" me the info , as if I am just an empty vessel that these higher beings choose to work through. The magnificence of Newgrange, the fictional book I am working on, leads me to wonder if these stories aren't actually, "of a truth" as my grandmother would say...based on some true happenings that possibly the remembrance of  through time filter into my head like beam of sunshine, penetrating the dark chambers of my brain, illuminating creative ideas, sparking my genius, and igniting my inspiration to write this book.  Its a wonder.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What is a "Newgrange"?

(click on picture to enlarge diagram)

So what is " Newgrange " all about you ask me..its a good question. "Newgrange" actually  means, New Land. The  characters  that  will survive  the  flood  are  led  to  a  new  land, Ireland,  to  survive in  the  caves  below.
Newgrange is a place in Ireland. It is considered one of the oldest known megalith structures on our planet, a megalith being defined by Merriam- Webster as:

Definition of MEGALITH

: a very large usually rough stone used in prehistoric cultures as a monument or building block

Newgrange is a round structure, made of stones, tightly built to withstand the elements of time. It has a small "window" that allows a ray of sunshine in at a certain time of year. The ray travels down a long passageway eventually illuminating a tri chamber inside. Is that cool or what?
Feel free to visit their website for more inquiry, The one thing I do tell people when discussing my book is this, and I heard this long before there was a website, but as quoted on www.newgrange.com:

Newgrange was constructed over 5,000 years ago (about 3,200 B.C.), making it                   older than Stonehenge in England and the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. 

A lot of people have not heard of Newgrange, especially here in the United States. I had never heard of it when I visited Ireland in 1987, and ended up there simply as an archaeologically interested tourist. I was intrigued by its construction- a small entrance way, just barely wide enough for me to squeeze my slender shoulders through- now a feat I daresay the fullness of my figure would not allow. Another thing no longer allowed, are random tourists on the winter solstice. Now, the only people who get to see it during that special time are lottery winners, and they only allow 50 a year. I was fortunate to visit it back then, when I could touch the stones and smell the ancient earth. Now gaining entrance into this remarkable subject of my book is very much like finding the golden ticket to Wonka's chocolate factory...

Please enjoy this short video of Newgrange with brief explanation!

This is the link to Newgrange's website:

Welcome to my blog!

This book has taken on its own persona- and although I have not met my personal publishing goals YET, the book seems to have goals of its own!! Sometimes we have to step back, and let the creative process express in its unique way and time. It has developed  into an expanded trilogy, and  I am  now  working  on  Book II as  I  seek  a publisher  for  this, Book I. The beautiful cover is given by artist Jim Fitzpatrick of Ireland. I  met  Mr. Fitzpatrick while visiting  Ireland in the  1980's. I never  dreamed that  I  would  oneday write  a  book, and  his  work  would  be  on the  front  cover! Isn't it amazing  the ways things turn out sometimes!
I  believe  the  spirit of the earth has been speaking to all of us lately, and  many of  us have  perked up our  ears and begun to  wholeheartedly listen to her, and  respond. This book is  my  response.
I am including a lovely music cd of  original music that I and  friends have composed, a  compilation of songs  written  especially  for  this  book.
Thank you Note 13 studios for the Newgrange theme, "Awaken".
If you listen carefully, you can hear the heartbeat of the spirit of the earth, Heartha!

(click here for link to song)