Monday, October 17, 2011

Lets talk about the egg...

My daughter had an egg fetish as a child, she absolutely loved them. She thought they were the greatest! I couldn't understand the fascination, but hey, what ever makes your kid happy, right? She had a shelf with all her beloved eggs in her collection on it.
What exactly is, an egg? We know it is, according to Webster:
1. the roundish reproductive body produced by the female of certain animals, as birds and most reptiles, consisting of an ovum and its envelope of albumen, jelly, membranes, egg case or shell, according to species

and  we know that in humans, it carries a certain amount of genetic traits passed through the dna. Females are born with "all their eggs in one basket", meaning, they are given their eggs by their mothers and have them all when they are born, with encoded genetic material that has been passed down for generations. 

What is an egg? It is a legacy, a pre packaged packet of your ancestors information, waiting to join with an other, become a new combination of form, and walk the earth again.  It gets one chance. When this potential person does not make it, - it dies. Women grieve, are grumpy and angry as the nest tears down . The body expells it. Now that is something to cry about.
How precious that my daughter loves eggs so- they are in good keeping.


Biology 101
101= one on one

First , there is an egg. She is a world alone inside a vast dark universe.
Ah, the sperms have found the way to her...their quest, their only mission-
to conquer, join, assimilate...become one.
They demand entrance, trying to force their way in as they are equipped to do.
She laughs. Yeah right. Dream on squirt.
But one in particular, woos her just so-
entices her in just the right way...and she allows him in.
He does his job to the best of his ability, and he is good at it, the very best.
 Its why she chose him and not the others. He's a little stronger,  more robust,
 said the right words.
He  gives himself fully to her.
"Trust me babe." She does.
For love’s sake  she is torn apart, again and again,  changing  rapidly,
 transforming  moment by moment
into what ultimately will become a fully developed, fully realized
 human being
who forgets time before the joining,
 and  questions its very existence, "Who am I?" "Why am I here?"

Blame the sperm. He is after all self centered , focused only on his goal. He must be. It is his only purpose, what he is designed to do.
Or  the egg, for letting him in. Being  enticed. Listening to that squirmy squiggly serpent.

And so our story begins

In all of infinity, there is a point where you begin.
All things that are your reality, I AM.
I am your point of beginning.

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