Friday, October 14, 2011

All things myterious...

The way this book began to reveal itself to me, was simply, brought about by love. Reconnecting with a childhood friend opened my heart in dynamic the extent that I do believe I connected with the heavenly host! Strange happenings began, which in my life is common every day occurrence, but these happenings which I will go into further detail later, seemed theme focused. It was as if everything I have experienced in my life was all accumulating knowledge and leading up to  this moment, a purposeful be expressed through writing. I have never considered myself a writer, I am a musician, and a teacher. There have been many an occasion that I bluffed through my high school and college papers with profound wordage such that I think my professors couldn't decide if I was a genius , or a fruitcake...maybe both...and I pulled astonishing "A"s to their and my own amazement...
Its a gift. I am, a gifted story teller. This much I am sure of- but it was the connection with "the Bear" that began an odyssey of literary encapsulations- short stories.  Most of the stories I come up with, I have no idea were they come from, and can't fathom that I am actually clever enough to have thought it up - so I credit divine sources, sort of "feeding" me the info , as if I am just an empty vessel that these higher beings choose to work through. The magnificence of Newgrange, the fictional book I am working on, leads me to wonder if these stories aren't actually, "of a truth" as my grandmother would say...based on some true happenings that possibly the remembrance of  through time filter into my head like beam of sunshine, penetrating the dark chambers of my brain, illuminating creative ideas, sparking my genius, and igniting my inspiration to write this book.  Its a wonder.

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