Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Fairy Mound

What is utterly fascinating to me is how Newgrange was discovered...the story as how I heard it is this:
In Ireland the people knew that the mounds were good places to find rocks to build their walls. The Irish love rock walls. My grandmother built quite a few of them herself in her day. She was very precise... each stone "fit" into the next. My granny was cool.  One day, a farmer was digging up some rocks. Some sources say it was a group of "servants" digging for some one who ordered rocks... but the way I heard it, a farmer.  He opened the dirt, and instead of a pile of rocks, he found a chamber. He called the archeological society and they excavated.  The above picture is what they uncovered when looking for "the door" As you can see, the "roof box" or window was not yet discovered. This is the front door of what we now know is the oldest known megalith on our planet.
There are a few documentations of its discovery and excavation on Wikipedia and other sites you can
Google if interested- I just stick with the story I was told. I think it is, close to the truth. For the purposes of my book, their dicovery is not what fictional book is about the construction and purposes of building Newgrange in the first place. My book is all about, firsts...
This is my very favorite picture of Newgrange...still uncovered, unexcavated, untouched...mysterious and beautiful in every way...can you imagine how excited to find such a beautifully carved stone ...when digging in the dirt??

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