Thursday, October 13, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

This book has taken on its own persona- and although I have not met my personal publishing goals YET, the book seems to have goals of its own!! Sometimes we have to step back, and let the creative process express in its unique way and time. It has developed  into an expanded trilogy, and  I am  now  working  on  Book II as  I  seek  a publisher  for  this, Book I. The beautiful cover is given by artist Jim Fitzpatrick of Ireland. I  met  Mr. Fitzpatrick while visiting  Ireland in the  1980's. I never  dreamed that  I  would  oneday write  a  book, and  his  work  would  be  on the  front  cover! Isn't it amazing  the ways things turn out sometimes!
I  believe  the  spirit of the earth has been speaking to all of us lately, and  many of  us have  perked up our  ears and begun to  wholeheartedly listen to her, and  respond. This book is  my  response.
I am including a lovely music cd of  original music that I and  friends have composed, a  compilation of songs  written  especially  for  this  book.
Thank you Note 13 studios for the Newgrange theme, "Awaken".
If you listen carefully, you can hear the heartbeat of the spirit of the earth, Heartha!

(click here for link to song)

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