Sunday, October 16, 2011

Brief synopsis of all there is.

The setting of my book is pre Christian Europe from the "big bang" or the moment of origin of our universe, up until right after the flood , and everything leads up to the construction and purpose of  Newgrange. The characters are at the beginning of time as we know it, and become , everything that is. Energy as we understand it is simply different combinations of currents; however, in my book the energy of the big bang takes on a personna and has a name because it is part of the Great Living Mystery who implodes and scatters all the matter in our known universe in a single thought of joy. That energy I have named Kaboom, KB for short. KB is the greatest  and most volatile energy in the universe. It is the energy that animates all living things  and only Hu the Alchemist, knows how to combine matter and KB currents to create the animated  forms  of all that is. A small amount of KB in a form will enable it to walk, run, fly- but large amounts of KB energy make whirlwinds, tidal waves, volcanos...explosions. All of this is very necessary energy, important and needed for life to happen...but very dangerous in large unfettered amounts. KB is not the Creator, KB is simply the force that animates all of creation. God, named Hu in the book, breaths the breath of life into all substance, giving it soul.. KB is a separate entity from Hu the Creator, and both come from the one source of all that is- the Void. Her. Since we are nearing Halloween I will use this analogy to explain my perception - She is the cauldron that the universe bubbles in, and as the brew rises from the heat and activity inside as if to flow over, she becomes larger to contain it all. She , like a lot of us mirror in life, expands as everything grows. LOL!

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