Thursday, October 13, 2011

What is a "Newgrange"?

(click on picture to enlarge diagram)

So what is " Newgrange " all about you ask me..its a good question. "Newgrange" actually  means, New Land. The  characters  that  will survive  the  flood  are  led  to  a  new  land, Ireland,  to  survive in  the  caves  below.
Newgrange is a place in Ireland. It is considered one of the oldest known megalith structures on our planet, a megalith being defined by Merriam- Webster as:

Definition of MEGALITH

: a very large usually rough stone used in prehistoric cultures as a monument or building block

Newgrange is a round structure, made of stones, tightly built to withstand the elements of time. It has a small "window" that allows a ray of sunshine in at a certain time of year. The ray travels down a long passageway eventually illuminating a tri chamber inside. Is that cool or what?
Feel free to visit their website for more inquiry, The one thing I do tell people when discussing my book is this, and I heard this long before there was a website, but as quoted on

Newgrange was constructed over 5,000 years ago (about 3,200 B.C.), making it                   older than Stonehenge in England and the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. 

A lot of people have not heard of Newgrange, especially here in the United States. I had never heard of it when I visited Ireland in 1987, and ended up there simply as an archaeologically interested tourist. I was intrigued by its construction- a small entrance way, just barely wide enough for me to squeeze my slender shoulders through- now a feat I daresay the fullness of my figure would not allow. Another thing no longer allowed, are random tourists on the winter solstice. Now, the only people who get to see it during that special time are lottery winners, and they only allow 50 a year. I was fortunate to visit it back then, when I could touch the stones and smell the ancient earth. Now gaining entrance into this remarkable subject of my book is very much like finding the golden ticket to Wonka's chocolate factory...

Please enjoy this short video of Newgrange with brief explanation!

This is the link to Newgrange's website:

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